Learner Guide

What to expect during your course 

Your tutor will work with you to:

Your course will begin with an induction which includes:

Throughout your course:

Your responsibilities as a learner ('Code of conduct')

Be respectful

Be supportive

Be focussed

Be responsible

Information, advice and guidance

Detailed course information on the Adult Learning website will help you decide if a course is right for you, as well as support you in your next steps.

Need more help to decide if a course is right for you?  Having trouble understanding course fees? Please get in touch with Adult Learning by email adultlearning@northnorthants.gov.uk  or phone 0300 303 1058

Your tutor will help you to find out how you could carry on learning after your course has finished.

Find progression sheets for over 25 different subjects.

We work in partnership with the National Careers Service who can offer information, advice and guidance either to a  whole class if appropriate, or on a one to one basis. For more information visit our Courses and next steps page

Extra learning support 

If you have an additional need, such as a hearing  impairment or a learning difficulty such as dyslexia, support can be provided in the classroom or online. 

Financial  support towards the cost of your course may also be  available if you are experiencing hardship. 

Please email alsreferrals@northnorthants.gov.uk or phone 01536 535809 to request a call back.

Reporting safeguarding concerns 

Safeguarding is everyone’s business. 

Information about  Safeguarding, Prevent and Keeping safe online are included as part of your course induction

If you are experiencing abuse, feeling at risk or concerned  about someone else, please speak to your tutor. 

If a child or adult is in immediate danger, contact the police on  999.  The non emergency number is 101. 

Northamptonshire  Safeguarding teams phone numbers: 

North Northamptonshire 0300 126 3000 

West Northamptonshire 0300 126 7000

Health and wellbeing

To support your health and wellbeing our tutors and office  team can help you to find out about information, help and  support available for your own health and wellbeing, or that  of someone you know. 

Please ask us or your tutor about  this during your course.

Find a number of supporting organisations within Northamptonshire

British values

Northamptonshire Adult Learning promotes the British  values of:

Have your say

We value your views as this helps us to improve our service for all. 

Your course tutor will ask you to fill out an  evaluation form at the end of your course. Please use this  to tell us about your experience before and during your  course. 

You can also share feedback with us by phone on 0300 303 1058

After your course

Please let us know if your course has resulted in you  finding or changing employment, voluntary work or you have progressed to further learning. 

We may contact you after your course finishes to get a better  understanding of the impact your course has had. 

Your personal information

The information which you give us about yourself is treated in confidence, in accordance with UK GDPR  and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

Please tell us if you change your phone number, email or address so we can contact you about any changes  or cancellation to your course or to send you information. Email adultlearning@northnorthants.gov.uk  or phone 0300 303 1058